
Monday, April 30, 2012

The finish line...

Last night Brad and I crossed the proverbial finish line of the Daniel fast, and at times, I did feel as if I was running a marathon. We celebrated with our friends, who also did the fast, by throwing down some tex-mex at Anamias. And oh sweet heavens, it was the most delightful evening, maybe...of my entire life! OH MY WORD, it was SO good. I would share what we ate, but I scarfed it down so quickly that it's blurry as to what was actually on my plate.

When we started the fast, we weren't really aiming for a bunch of weight loss, although we knew that we would drop some poundage along the way. We really just wanted to detox from all the junk that our bodies have grown accustomed to needing and craving. But there are also extra things to learn and principles to be gleaned from something like this, and thankfully, I have some good take aways and changes I will try to make.

1. It's not the caffeine in coffee that I'm addicted to. It's the taste and aroma in the mornings that float my boat. The first day of the fast, I was draggy and lethargic, but I was fine after that. Decaffeinated coffee might just do the trick from here on out.

2. There are some delicious meals out there made of only vegetables! I know...I was shocked too! But it's true. And...we have decided to continue with a few days a week eating fruits and vegetables only.

3. Eating healthy had a positive impact on my rest. I was shocked at how well I slept every.single.night!! And now, after my tex-mex and sugar rendezvous, here I am...awake at 3:16 a.m. for the first time in 3 weeks!! Sound sleep was a definite plus and will be a factor in what I eat from now on!

4. I was never hungry. Not once. Ok...well maybe once or twice when I wasn't prepared and couldn't find a quick fix for the hunger pains! But anyway. Yes, I was faced with the truth that my bad eating habits are more of a mental and emotional issue than anything else. Which shouldn't surprise me because don't most bad habits stem from mental and emotional issues!

5. Spiritually. There were some ugly truths I knew about myself already, but they were resting peacefully in the shadows of my busy, hectic, eat on the go lifestyle. My natural bent toward rebellion is quite monstrous. If I can't have it, aye-yi-yi, I want it so much more. Now...because I'm a rule follower and a people pleaser, the rebellion is manifested in whining and complaining. Lord have mercy, I was a big grump for 3 weeks. It's the newest issue that needs to be tended to.'s no coincidence that the messages surrounding me lately are about submitting to God and being intentional. I will not be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically fit by accident. That's a no brainer for some, but apparently I'm a hands on learner!

6. Sugar. It is bad! It is why I'm blogging 5:22 in the morning...and not sleeping soundly!

If you were anywhere near me over the last 21 days, you are probably so happy that it is over because now you won't have to listen to me pour over all I can't have and all I wish I could. But I will do this again...and yes, I will start pressuring you to do it with me. If not for the detox and feeling better, then do it to go down a size in jeans like I did or lose 13 pounds like my boy, Brad, did! 3 short weeks!

Vegetables...I bow to you. I have judged and condemned you unfairly, and you are not as bad as I once thought.

1 comment:

Andi said...

I'd love to get some of your all veg dinner recipes! Way to go you too!