
Monday, April 9, 2012

Day two of twenty-one...

Please pray for me. And for Brad. Yes...please pray for both of us.

I am on day 2 of the 21-day Daniel Fast. And I'm not gonna lie...I might just throw up if see another strawberry or celery stick lie down on my plate. And it's only day 2, y'all. DAY 2!! I can't have caffeine and I can't have meat and I can't have dairy and I can't have...ummm...c.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e. And...OH MY WORD...that makes me want it so! It also makes for very rough mornings, which have never been easy or my best time of day, but now I'm dragging by the time I darken the doors at work. Yesterday, day 1, was harsh. I was sleepy all day, and after I finished dinner, I collapsed on the couch at 7, woke up and went to bed at 9:30, slept all night and didn't hear my all! I just happened to wake up on my own to find that it was 6:15 and my alarm had been going off for an hour! Fortunately, I managed to make it to work on time...but it wasn't my best hair day.

I wonder if Daniel felt this way after a day or two of his fast or if he ever wanted to cry 'uncle' and run back and tell the King that he changed his mind and definitely wanted to eat at his table and enjoy all the fine foods he was being offered. I'm guessing he did, but I'm pretty sure that when he felt that way, he bent his knee in prayer. I the end of his training King Neb found no other trainee equal to him and his 3 sidekicks. So I'm sure if he'd had a blog, he wouldn't have spent his time complaining about what he couldn't have or how hungry he was. It's likely he would have listed his undeserved blessings he was receiving.

So...I will also stop complaining, and I will try not to dwell on the fact that my stomach is almost concave...ok, maybe concave is not the right word...and my arm is looking like one tasty piece of meat. Instead I will also dwell on my daily blessings and His new mercies as well as other things on my plate. (Get plate!) Which brings me to my next point...

We have to move.

Yes...move. As in out of our house and into another one. And...ick...I can't stand moving. You see, our lease is up, and well...our landlords want their place back. Of course, things like this never present themselves at a convenient time, and this is no exception. We were hoping to stay here one more year so we could be in a better place next year to purchase. But God has a different plan, and I'm more than confident that it is way better than anything I could come up with on my own. It's just not clear yet.


While you are praying for us to make it out of the 21-day Daniel Fast with all limbs intact, please also mention that we need a new place to reside.

Thanks. And enjoy your pizza.

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