
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My vegan days are numbered...

Oh my heavens...I felt great today. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't sleepy. I wasn't grumpy. And I didn't get a visit from the seven dwarves in case you're wondering. Oh...and I didn't oversleep. And then I came home. After I did my yoga, I felt really good and relaxed and then I hit a dadgum wall. Passed out on the couch. And woke up with my mouth wide open. I don't think I'm cut out for the vegan lifestyle.

Anyway...I have learned in the last three days how to be creative with food because really...I wasn't lying about the strawberries and celery...and I like strawberries and celery...not together of course....and I don't want to get burned out on them.


I made veggie-stuffed peppers. And yum. They were quite tasty. Here's what I did.

Puréed a tomato. Put it in a pan. Added some olive oil and a little salt. Some garlic. Some Italian seasoning. And some lemon juice. Then I added vegetables - artichokes - zucchini - mushrooms - red bell pepper - and that's all because I was so hungry that first night I couldn't bring myself to chop another vegetable. Oh and some pinto beans. I let it simmer a while and then filled some orange bell peppers, poured a little tomato sauce on top and cooked for 30 minutes on 350.


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