
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dear passenger who is sitting next to me...

I just want to take a few minutes to apologize to you. I feel horrible that what you thought would be a relaxing flight to Maui was probably not anything close to that and that it may have turned in to the longest day of your life.

You husband I were flying together today for the first time ever. We've been together five years and married for almost four years and we realized at the airport that this is our first trip together where we would fly to our destination. We are big cruisers and when we venture out on one of those vacations we usually drive to the port in Galveston and set sail from there. So, today was a big deal for us, and well...I was excited and a little bit hyper.

Anyway...I couldn't decide what I needed out of my bag the first few minutes and I'm sorry that I kept bending over to pull up my huge carry on from the floor to my lap. You would think that after doing that ten times in less than 3 minutes, I would know what I needed to pull out of it, huh? And...then, please forgive me that once I decided to pull out my iPad and play on that for a while, that I realized I also needed my reading glasses and my wireless keyboard, too. I got bored playing games and decided I wanted to blog. And...well...when I opened the Blogger app, it wouldn't turn sideways, and I couldn't get it situated in a way where you wouldn't see what I was writing. I'm kind of private when it comes to my drafting process, but please don't take that personal. I didn't want my husband to see it least till it's published.

Anyway, then they started the movie, and I wanted to watch it. I thought it might calm me down a little bit. I don't fly very often, and the anxiety of that coupled with the excitement of being on the cusp of vacation was a lot for me to deal with. But then...the movie was boring. It was sci-fi, and I don't really get in to those kind of movies, and I was feeling restless. I was so glad that they decided to start bringing us our drinks. My mouth was a little dry so it was perfect timing.

Then, my husband started acting silly and making fun of my a.d.d. and that made me laugh. Those are the times that I really want to capture, so when I tried to take a picture of me and my man, I am SO sorry that I spilled my drink and it splattered all over you and it was keeping you from getting your equations done. You seem very smart.

Well...after my sweet husband got us all cleaned up and got back with another cup of ice for me, we were hungry. I'm so glad that we thought to buy a sandwich before we got on the plane. Did you hear how expensive those sandwiches were? Ten dollars!! Good grief. I hope they were good. Anyway, that is why I had to get back into my carry-on bag on the floor.

And finally...I cannot even express to you how sorry I am for trying to adjust the cover on my iPad. I forgot that I had another flimsy cover on it underneath the big case. And I really had no idea that when I pulled it out of the big case that the magnetic strip on the small one was going to
detach from the iPad and that it was going to fly in your lap.

I'm so glad you were able to fall asleep and that you are finally resting. If you sit next to me on our way home, I promise to take a Benadryl. But one more thing. I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.


P.S. Aren't you glad we don't have any kids?


Unknown said...

This was so funny...thanks for the laugh...Have a great time and be safe!

Krista said...

That made me laugh so hard!!!!!

Mama SB said...

I could totally see you doing all that...hilarious!