
Monday, January 9, 2012

Calling Matt M

I'm not even joking when I say that I'm already bored with this season of The Bachelor. I don't watch much tv in the first place, but I do allow myself to indulge in a few goofy prime timers like American Idol, Celebrity Apprentice, The Bachelor, and...well...I'm pretty sure that's it. Most of my friends talk about all the shows they watch religiously and I try to sit down and watch stuff so that I can contribute to conversations about tv watching but my ADD gets the best of me and I return to my digital addictions like Pinterest and Facebook and Words with Friends and Hanging with Friends. But anyway - now I've only watched two episodes of Ben and the girls and I slept through one of them. They have one more chance to keep my attention and if they fail, I will be done with them. That is until the Final Rose and After The Final Rose.

B's iphone was terribly out of style and he desperately needed an upgrade. I mean he was still sporting the iPhone 3. You know...the one that doesn't have a video camera or work with the newest software and runs at a snail's pace. Yes...that's the one. So he upgraded today to the iPhone 4S...the one with Siri. And here's how his first encounter with her went down...

B: remind me to call Deanna tomorrow.
S: Calling Matt M.
B: what will the weather be like tomorrow?
S: Calling Matt M.
B: will I need an umbrella tomorrow?
S: Calling Manni Y.

Siri, you are expensive and you stink!

In other news...the training is going well and my training sisters and I have decided to run the Hot Chocolate Run in February. It's a 15k. Eeeek! We get a sweet jacket though! Take a looksie if you want.

Have a happy Wednesday!

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