
Friday, January 27, 2012

Tidbits of trivia that may...or may interesting

Happy Friday to any and all who have dealt with a week and are glad to see the weekend! I am one of those. Definitely.

I've always heard it said that the day you don't learn something is the day you die. Now...I don't really believe that because...well...I'm still here! And I'm fairly certain that in the 40 something years that I have walked the planet, there are some days in there where I learned nothing new.


Today, I walked away with two words that I've either never heard...or...that I've totally ignored because I didn't know what they meant. I tend to black out when there's something I don't understand. This could be why I start to hyperventilate when I have to figure out how much tip to leave. I was blacked out during a good portion of my high school and college math courses.

Where was I?

Oh two new words. Humonguloid. I can only give the sentence it was used in because there is no definition in Websters, which I believe makes it a non-word. But that means nothing in our present time because really....'Google'...well that used to be a non-word. And the person who used it has this amazing ability when he's talking to use words in a way that makes you understand exactly what he means when he uses words that might otherwise make you black out.

'Dude, that thing was humonguloid!'. I think it's safe to assume that it was a contraption of large proportions and maybe a little bit odd in nature.

And then there was tedium. It sounds like tedious and, therefore, makes me tired. But the person who used this word is brilliant and that is all I know about her except that she is an author, and she used it in her writing.

"For the nerds out there who care about this kind of tedium..."

I'm definitely a nerd, and because I was highly interested in what she was writing about, I am definitely interested in this kind of tedium.

And finally the trivia. James (as in Jesus' younger brother) was named after his grandfather and the father of the twelve tribes of Israel - Jacob. And in that...I'm highly interested and will not be blacking out.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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