
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am completely blank today and I can't think of anything good to write. Now that means one of two things. 1)I lead a terribly mundane and boring life or 2)I lead a terribly mundane and boring life. And since I can't decide which of the two it is, I will just be random in this post...which isn't too far from what normally happens around these parts.

1) The Superbowl. Both the NFC Championship game and the AFC Championship game were on in the background today, and I did not watch much of either. I did not really care who won since the two teams that I root for did not make it to today's showdown. However, since it seems like the Patriots are always in the Super Bowl, I decided to root for the Ravens. But I did not root loud enough. And since the Giants came to Dallas and ate our lunch, I decided to root for the 49ers. And this could be the reason I'm blank today. Because this is the day that nothing has gone my way. Let me know who you would like to see take home the Super Bowl win and I will do you a favor and root for the other team.

2) Yesterday I ran with my running buddies at 7:15 in the morning on a Saturday. And we ran 5 miles. And I'm not gonna lie. It was hard y'all, and it kicked my hiney. So I guess next time I do a long run, I won't snack on a cheeseburger at midnight the night before. I'm guessing that could have been the problem.

3) I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

4) Look at this. That's banana and peanut butter dipped in chocolate. I'm guessing I'll be trying this sooner than later. Click here for the link to the blog with the recipe...

5) Psalm 118:24 - This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad.

Have a great week.

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