
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Things that are awesome...

I was reading my friend's blog the other day...going back through some of the entries of late that I missed for one reason or another. I came across an entry she posted not long ago that I luh-uvvved! So...I stole the idea and title from her. But...I'm giving her credit...and by her I mean my beautiful friend Tina...who by the way is a published author and my writing idol. She's fabulous at the craft and you should go and visit her blog if you know what's good for you!

So anyway. Things that are awesome.

1. Thin Mints and Tagalongs. I have a love-hate relationship with them, and it might be borderline co-dependent. But I can totally handle it, and it is awesome.

2. Sore muscles from working out. Is anyone else weird out there and like this feeling?

3. New pens. Even though I write mostly from a keyboard these days and have totally lost any penmanship skills I once had, I still get a charge out of buying new pens.

4. My new app - Fighter Verses. If you are trying to implement the practice of scripture memory into your life, I highly recommend this app. It is more than awesome!

5. Running. From the time Coach Benny Jones made us run every day in P.E. my freshman year of high school to June 2010, I l.o.a.t.h.e.d running. No...more than loathed. And then the C25K app changed my view point and my life. was one of the catalysts for the change. And now I love it.

6. Today is March 1st. And that means spring. And spring means spring break. And spring break means the end is in sight. And the end being in sight means that I just might make it through my 21st year of my career. And that, y'all, is awesome!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh, Deanna, you just made me tear up! You are too sweet.... And I feel the same way about you--YOUR writing inspires ME. XOXOXO