
Monday, March 12, 2012

Behind my eyes...

Today is the first day of Spring Break and I couldn't be happier about it. The sun is shining brightly and my weather app is promising me a high of 81 degrees. A little taste of summer has welcomed me to my day (although with a high of 81 it's more like a little taste of a summer day in North Dakota or Seattle or somewhere way north of these parts!)

I have a whole list of things I want to do this week like clean out closets and drawers, getting rid of a bunch of unnecessary excess, and of course do some spring cleaning because really...there is good reason we have not invited friends over since Christmas! I also really really really need to run since I have a half marathon coming up in less than 2 weeks. So my plan for today was to get up and do my bible study, run 9 miles, come home and finish the leftover laundry, vacuum and mop the floors, organize at least one of the junk drawers, and prepare a fabulous and healthy meal for my dude.

And here's how it has played out so far...

I woke up at 7:46 and what was behind my eyes before they opened was the fact that every single morning when my alarm signals me at 5:30 that it's time to get ready for work, I wish...every single morning...that I could just lay in my warm bed till I decide I want to get up. And then have coffee till whenever I want to stop drinking coffee.

So...I opened my Francine Rivers book and read for an hour. And then the nurse at my doctor's office called with not one piece of not so great news, but two. So I worried a little bit and talked to two beautiful people who encouraged me to stay faithful to trust in God and not worry anymore because, truthfully, worry gets you nowhere. It just takes up time and space in your heart, soul, and mind that could be better filled with Grace and peace. So I stopped worrying, made some coffee and cinnamon toast, got back in my warm bed and turned on the t.v. Now the chicks from The View are entertaining me...and I'm still drinking coffee! Some might call that lazy...but maybe they don't know what it's like to work in education.

Spring Break is a wonderful gift of time...time that once it's gone, I won't ever get back. So, while there are things that need to be done, getting them done this morning will not make life any richer. Enjoying the gift and the 81 degree day will.

You enjoy your 81 degree day...or whatever degree you are in today!

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