
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's random today...

So the rest of my day on Monday continued with the theme it started with and instead of just delaying the doing of the tasks on my list, I completely ignored it. After I sat on the patio in the sun at Starbucks for 3 hours, I went over to my friend, Nancy's house and we laid out by her pool for the rest of the afternoon. It was a glorious day of vitamin D.

Then...on Monday evening I took in the last episode of The Bachelor...and wowzers...does he ever look like his mama! But I just want to say that I think he needs a new do. Some can pull off the messy look and make messy look quite appealing to the rest of us. I do not believe Ben is one of these people. And maybe all he needs is to change where he parts it because down the middle makes him look like Alfalfa. But then again...look how I used to fix my what do I know!

Like my glasses? I wanted some bigger ones, but those were all I could afford!

And then...well...his choice leaves me not knowing what to say except that, like all of us, there must be a battle on the inside of that little model. For out of the heart, the mouth speaks...and spews all over 24 other girls who come near. But I was not put here to judge because the good Lord knows that I have been known to have some times where I spewed some yuck on others! I wish only happiness and healthy growth for them.

I laced up my new running shoes yesterday morning and ran 3.5 miles with my good friend, Jill. Y'all...the mosquitoes were everywhere and am sure because of the warm winter we had they will be everywhere from here on out. I think I might stock up on some Off now! And...and...blisters on the back of my foot. Ick! I am hoping I can get those shoes broken in before next Sunday!! Which means I might should put them on several more times and actually run. But it really gets in the way of my laying around doing nothing and enjoying spring break time.

Oh...and I was also elated to hear from AFAA saying they were pleased to inform me that I successfully completed and passed both the practical and written portions of the Primary Group Instructor Certification exams. Now this is exciting because at some point I will get some type of exercise group off the ground and take the choice back out of my working out. People will be there waiting on me to give them a good workout and when that is the case I am on it! However, I guess I better stop writing posts about how I plan to work out but then something more fun comes up and I choose that instead of exercising because then nobody will be interested in paying me to give them a good workout!!

And finally...the last random thing on my mind...spaghetti squash!!! Dang! Does anyone have any tips for cutting those things in half without butchering your hand and fingers? There is a price to pay for eating healthy and I don't just mean hunger pains! I found this recipe on Pinterest that looked really healthy and yummy. So I decided to give it a go.

Here is what it was supposed to look like:

And here is what it actually looked like:

And the Whataburger Jr. with cheese that I actually ate for dinner was divine!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I love this post for so many reasons! First, that you posted pics of your spaghetti squash (recipes always look so much better than they turn least in my kitchen). I also love the grace you have for miss thing on the bachelor. My attitude was not nearly as Christ-like. Thanks for being just who you are. You are dearly loved!