
Sunday, February 19, 2012

If I had it to do over...

If I had known last night when I went to bed that laying awake till 5:00 a.m. was on the agenda for the next six and a half hours, I might not have gone to bed. I may have changed into my workout clothes and jumped on the treadmill for a run, or I may have done the midnight closet makeover, or something else more fun than lay awake for six and a half hours. As it turned out...I did not know, and apparently by 2:00 a.m. it had not dawned on me this was the case. Whatever. I did, however, manage to waste a lot of time on mindless activities like Facebook, Pinterest, Family Feud, Scramble with Friends, Words with Friends, & Hanging with Friends that I thought might rock me to sleep. But they did not. So...when my alarm went off at 7:15 for me to get up, lace up my running shoes, and go meet my friend for a 6-mile run before church, I struggled just a little bit. that I know that I was to lay awake for six and a half hours and that the mindless activities were not going to bring me rest, I would have done everything differently. I would have avoided the games that got my adrenaline going. I would have not given my thoughts away to worrying that I was going to have to get up and meet my friend for a 6-mile run and that if I don't go to sleep right this minute, the run is going to be SO hard and I don't know if I will be able to do it and then my friend won't ever want to run with me again and she might not want to be my friend anymore and she might tell everyone not to run with Mamaw! (Welcome to the inside of my head!)

And so very often I end a day, or a season, or a circumstance with the all too familiar, "I wish I hadn't done that. Or said that."

Hindsight is so much clearer than foresight.

My pastor reminded us today that it doesn't have to be that way...and that..."Experience is a cruel teacher. Faith is the best teacher." We have two choices every day and in every circumstance. We can believe God and what He says in His word about who we are, Who He is, and living life day to day. Or we can believe the lie. And ultimately, we do what we believe.

If I were a betting person, I would bet that Adam and Eve may have thought a time or two, "I wish I had done things differently. And I wish I had believed what God said instead of the voice of the deceiver." And I also bet that they knew that it would have made a world of difference if they had.


Jill said...

Although our run was not that great today, our"worship" was excellent! I think that big bird was part of it! God's creatures were watching us and thinking," those two don't need to run, they need to talk" or at least I needed to talk and thank you for your words of wisdom. Love you!

de said...

Oh sweet Jill...I needed to talk too! Our power walk was good for the soul and for our fannies! ;o)