
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Settling in

I was trying to count back to see how many days Brad & I have been married. It was taking too long and then I remembered that I had a counter on my blog. It's been 18 days since my wedding. Anyway...that doesn't really matter. It just makes me realize how fast time passes by. It's been a good 18 days...a few challenging moments...but really good. My sweet nephew and his girlfriend gave us a book called Sacred Marriage and one thing it says that I have found to be very true in the last 18 days is...'being married forces you to face character issues you'd never have to face otherwise'. That statement alone was a huge eye opener to me as to why so many marriages fail...why so many people opt for divorce...because a lot of people don't ever face those character issues head on. It's way too hard to admit the junk about ourselves and way too easy to place blame. I hope that I've learned enough through some very dark valleys that I'm able to face my character take responsibility for learn from them...and put into practice wise choices when those tests come my way. I heard a sermon one time on relationships and the biggest take away for me was his quote, "Wherever you go...there you are." It spoke volumes to me and really made me learn to evaluate how I view circumstances and my role in the way things turn out for me, and in doing so I've found a lot of freedom.

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