
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friendship on a whole new level...

Today I sat down to catch up with all my blogger take a peek into their lives to find out what's going on with them and what is big to them right now. What I found was passion, emotion, pride, excitement, humor, love, and a myriad of other emotions. I did so, I was overwhelmed with emotion myself. I listened a few days ago as two of my blogger buds were talking about how they get emotional when a football team rushes onto the field at the beginning of the game. I so understand this because I, too, tear up at things that surprise me sometimes, and again today felt my eyes well up with tears as I looked at Bella Donna sleeping in her person's hands; and read the post from the newlywed writing about the amazing man that she married; the swimmers who excelled at the swim meet in San Antonio; the Super-Tech Chick who enjoyed a movie and junk food with her kiddos. And then I laughed at my friend, the speed bowler, who cannot contain her excitement over Michael Phelps; about Riley's person getting excited over electric bikes; and of course the hysterical little boy who so eloquently said to his mama, "Let's roll out, Mamasita!" A wave of excitement swept over me as I watched the slide show of my friend who went to Mexico...knowing that I get to do that in just a few weeks. I wanted to put on a cheerleader's uniform and hug my friend who is setting weight-loss goals, celebrating successes, and pressing forward with determination. I know that road personally and want to say..."If I can do it, ANYONE can do it." ;o) You go girl! And I think about my friends who know me so well that they knew today I needed a hug and a shoulder to cry on.

Maybe I'm so emotional because I'm getting ready to go through a major life transition. Or maybe I'm just humbled by the fact that when I look at the big picture, it just really doesn't matter that someone didn't follow to a T the instructions on the handout that I sent and that maybe...just maybe...they too are excited over electric bikes! At any rate...I'm thankful for my friends; and I'm thankful that I serve a God who gives me gentle reminders instead of a swift kick in the butt when that is what I really should get.


Eigna said...

Sorry you had a rough day! You are one of my many inspirations on my journey. Hope you know that! Just think, it won't be long until you can put the stress of the wedding behind you and just enjoy the start of forever! :)

Shelley said...

You are a blessing to many - including ME!

3daleybuckeyes said...

I am blessed to have friends like you!