
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I need caffeine!

Today...I am exhausted and a tiny part of me is wishing that the a/c had not gotten fixed because that would mean that I would have laid by the pool yesterday instead of packing boxes all the live long day! But it's ok because I got a LOT done. My sweet sister came over and helped me pack and without her I would not be so far along with this task. I have cleaned out so much and thrown so much away which is a good feeling but also makes me realize how much I have that I absolutely do not need.

Today...reality sets in for the bride and groom. I am moving several things over to Brad's that I am going to need to live after we get married till we move into a house. He will come home to a smaller apartment tonight than what he left this morning! The rest is going over to storage and this chapter of my life is coming to a close. I've been through so much transition in the past four years and have realized that transition...even good hard. I've also learned to embrace transition because with each new circumstance comes many blessings. And for me...the two greatest blessings I've encountered over the past four years is 1) deepening my faith in God and my relationship with Him, and 2) the many many wonderful people He has placed in my life. Those two things blow all the difficulties of transition out of the water.

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