
Monday, July 9, 2012

Hanging out in the shadows...

It's fitting that it rained today. Our parched, dry ground has needed it much like the parched, dry ground of my soul.

It's been one of those seasons where everything just feels blah to me. Nothing bad has happened. In fact...quite the opposite is true. We have moved into a beautiful house that is the perfect size and has the perfect color scheme that goes perfectly with our furniture. Summer is here and I'm off work. And I'm getting paid to wake up when I want, take little road trips here & there, bask in the sun by the pool, spend as much time as I need with God, meet friends for coffee and/or lunch, operate the remote at my leisure, and get lost in the romance of a chick flick whenever I want. So why the dry spell? Not sure, really. But what I do know is that it's not the first time it's happened, nor is it the last.'s not going to last forever. It's just a season. I'm finally learning that it's just part of the journey.

So. I woke up on this Monday morning and reached...first thing...for my iPhone. First to see what time it was. Then to see what God needed to say to me today. I was greeted by the little red 1 waiting patiently for me in the top right corner of my Fighter Verses app. It was letting me know that since today was Monday, it was time to memorize a new verse from God's Word. I'm always anxious to get a new verse because I've come to know that God highly personalizes His messages to me, so I always know that a new verse is meant just for the season or circumstance that I'm in and that I will need it at some point in the near future as part of my armor.

Monday, July 9th - Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

As a former English teacher, I can't help but take apart the verse to understand what He wants me to know. The verb dwell in the verse is beckoning me to action. I won't stumble into the shelter of the Most High on accident. I must dwell there. And dwell...according to Google...means to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside. Abide. Bunk. Crash. Exist. Hang out. Nest. Occupy. Park. Rest. Settle. Tarry.

Get the picture?

But I'm also moved by the effect of doing so. Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Will. Not maybe. Not might. Not every once in a while. Will. If I'm not mistaken, that's a promise. And because I believe with my whole heart that His Word is true, I have to believe that hanging out with the Most High is something I don't want to turn down or miss.

So I will because maybe this dry spell is really just me resting in the shadow of the Almighty.

Anyone want to crash with me There?

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