
Friday, May 18, 2012

Cookies and the internet...

I'm drowning in piles of stuff and things and boxes, and I'm overwhelmed (and a bit ashamed) of the excess we've accumulated since we moved in three years ago. I mean many dead batteries does one couple need? And I feel the need to stockpile contact lens cases? I just can't bring myself to throwing a new case that's never been used in the trash can. It's like throwing out perfectly good food. I guess. Or maybe the thinking that's happening inside my head when I open a new bottle of saline solution and a contact case falls out is that there may come a day when I actually need that many cases. Or someone might come over and they will need a contact case and, being the greatest hostess around, I will have one for them. I suppose it is also possible that I have my teacher friends in mind when I'm doing the stockpiling because we all know that teachers are the most resourceful group of people on the planet and if anyone could repurpose a contact case it would be a teacher. Or some of you wild DIYers that I see on Pinterest. Who knows? All I know is that I have a sickness over contact cases and a drawer full of them I don't know what to do with.

So anyway.

I'm way behind on getting my excess packed into boxes, and that is starting to stress me out because we are moving next Friday. When I get stressed out, I become overwhelmed, and when I get overwhelmed, I'm paralyzed. And being paralyzed stresses me out. It's like when you give a mouse a cookie!

But I suppose it will get done next Thursday night.

Which brings me to the next point. The neighborhood we're moving to does not get service for Uverse. Or Time Warner. Or Comcast. What? Hello...we're not moving to the boonies! Oh...and it doesn't have a neighborhood pool! Dang!! This is stressing me out because who am I going to get to provide my Internet and tv habit and WHERE am I going to lay out? The mall may be getting a new friend this summer. This is not good. Oh I just really don't need anymore moving stress because...well...there's just not time for the chain of events that occurs when I get stressed.

But the good news is that there is only 9 more days of school. Happy Friday to all of us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deanna, take the contact cases to your school nurse. She can use them when a student or teacher needs to clean or take out his/her contacts. Softly after I had my eye surgery, I cleaned out some cabinets and found that I, like you, had a dozen contact cases and some extra solution. I donated them to the school nurse, and she was very appreciative.

Internet ... Grandecom, fios by Verizon are two others that might be in your neighborhood.

Pool ... You are welcome here anytime. I don't even have to be here. You can just let yourself in the back yard and enjoy the sun. But, of course, I'd love to have you here when I'm here, too! Just let me know when you want to come over.

:) Sherri