When I was a kid, I remember vividly our family taking road trips. There were six of us...four kids and our parents. It was always cramped with that many people riding in our 70s version of a sport utility vehicle - our green station wagon with brown paneling adorning the side. Anyway...one of the things I remember about our trips was that we would either travel extremely early in the mornings before the sun came up or in the evenings. And no matter where we went, we always sang a song that I believe we learned from my grandpa. I remember calling it "The Moon Song." And when we did sing it, we always looked out the window at the great big dark sky and fixed our eyes on the moon. When I hear it, I always think of those road trips, and always...I smile. I see the moon and the moon sees me. The moon sees somebody I'd like to see. God bless the moon and God bless me. God bless somebody I'd like to see.
I went to Austin this last week to visit my sister. She works out with Jack Ingram and she was talking about him singing at the George Strait Tribute Concert a few weeks ago and was telling me what a good job he did. We googled the concert and found all videos of all the artists who sang. Jamie Foxx's performance was one of our favorites.
For a few months we've had some wasps working away on two places to call home on the frame of our garage. We decided Friday that the two families needed to be dealt with. So, we got in the car, opened the garage door, pulled out, and then closed the garage door. We planned to just stick our arm out of the window, spray the insecticide and then roll the window up really quick. But thought through that and decided that it wouldn't be a good thing if one of the wasps got stuck in the car with us. So Brad decided to just get out and face those bad boys head on. Here's a video of our (his) little adventure.
Today...I joined the Frisco Athletics Center. We'll see how many times I get reimbursed. Anyway...i moseyed (sp?) out to the pool area to catch a few rays and finally found a seat close to the wading area. Everytime I looked up there were a new handful of boys at the fountains putting their feet on the fountains to try to stop them, standing on top of the fountains so they would shoot up their swim trunks, splashing little girls and their moms as they stood by. I was fascinated as I watched their fascination with this water. It took my mind to the men in my life...my husband, dad, brother, brother-in-law, and nephews. And as I thought of each one of them, I couldn't help but think how similar they are to these boys I encountered at the pool today. Always laughing, always trying to make the women in their lives laugh, always enjoying life. I took a minute to thank the Lord for little boys and for creating them to enjoy the little things in life and giving them the ability to grow up and deal with all the drama that the women in their lives bring to the table!