
Friday, October 31, 2008

I've been tagged!

My friend, Buffy, tagged me and I'm supposed to post 6 quirky things about myself and then tag more blogger buds. I had 6 things down but after reading over them today, I realized that the things I wrote weren't really quirky things. So here's another try...

1. When I'm at home, I can't stand to have bare feet. I have to have on shoes all of the time.

2. In the mornings when I'm getting ready, I have to go in a certain order. If I don't, I forget something major like brushing my teeth!

3. I have a big bump on my head, but nobody can see it because my hair covers it.

4. I'm in love with organization and Office Max turns me on! I'm gold...I can't help it!

5. When I'm by myself and I'm driving up to a green light, I sing "Please stay green; Please stay green; Please stay green, Oh Please stay green" all the way through the light. (To the tune of 'This Old Man')

6. My favorite comfort food is peanut butter.

So...I tag -- Bayn, Kiki, Kim, & Jody.

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