
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Strength in the flesh...

Sometimes I don't think Webster does justice to some words. Strength is one of those words, and of this word he says...

     - noun

     1.the quality or state of being strong; bodily ormuscular power; vigor.

     2.mental power, force, or vigor.

     3.moral power, firmness, or courage.

     4.power by reason of influence, authority,resources, numbers, etc.

But I understand strength in a different way.  Three be exact...that can't be defined in a dictionary. It's through three different women...very special women.  Only one gave birth to me but all three raised me.

My mom.  I really don't think I know anyone who has a heart for giving more than this little lady.  Time. Money. Her own belongings.  Whatever she has, she gives to others and goes to the ends of the earth when needed to do so.  She loves with every fiber of her being and she fulfills her purpose on this earth with zeal, compassion, and determination.  Strength.

My oldest sister, Sherri. This little fireball is the happiest-go-lucky woman I've ever known. Always happy, always smiling, and always available to help in any way she can.  Nothing can knock her down and if anything threatens to, she plants her feet firmly into the ground and  welcomes it with the challenge to "bring it".  So many times in my life when I haven't been able to, she has stood (on a step stool) (haha...couldn't resist) in front of me with her 'dukes' up for me just waiting to take down whatever or whoever is messing with me.  Strength.

My sister closest in age to me but still older, :) Patti.  Her name and her very existence in my life means rest.  She has the most amazing gift to just take care of people.  And that is what she has done most of my life.  She has single-handedly taken more mountains in my life than I can count and turned them into flat ground for me to walk upon. And I have watched her do that over and over and over for countless others.  And when she is in any room, rest is just present. Strength.

Often I wonder why God chose me to be be in this family of wonderful women. But by example, all three of them have taught me about being a God-fearing woman. And because of that, I choose not to question Him. 

I just thank Him every single day.